The first two furlongs of the straight course had the reputation of being one of worst starts in Irish Horse Racing due to the undulations present.
Following on from a preliminary level survey of the area, I contacted James D’Arcy of DAR Golf Construction. What I required was a company who could excavate a very difficult task which was as follows:
I) Remove the turf with a wide turf cutting machine, roll and set aside.
II) Remove the top 15cm of soil and set aside for re-use.
III) Grade the base from the start of the truck to where it joined the round course to a level of 1;400.
IV) Ameliorate the replaced soil with dune sand, firm, fertilise and relay the turf.
The works progressed steadily and James and his team at DAR Golf, assisted by Paddy Timmins, head groundsman at Naas Racecourse, produced a very professional finish to what was a very difficult specification to follow.
The board at Naas Racecourse were delighted by the professionalism show by James and DAR Golf as was Brendan Sheridan, clerk of the racecourse from The Turf Club and myself, as the Agronomist.