
Galway Racecourse DAR Golf have been providing drainage services to Galway Racecourse since 2012. The drainage system plays a critical role in maintaining a consistent racing surface which helps to keep racing going and ensure the safety of both the horses and their riders.  Our most...

Naas Racecourse The first two furlongs of the straight course had the reputation of being one of worst starts in Irish Horse Racing due to the undulations present.Following on from a preliminary level survey of the area, I contacted James D’Arcy of DAR Golf Construction. What...

Cork Racecourse Mallow Extension, Re-grade, Primary Pipe Drainage System, and Surface Establishment of the Straight Course at Cork Racecourse Mallow.Project outline:I) Extend the straight course into the adjoining field and extend the wooden rail fencing.II) Straight course, top soil strip sub-soil grade and top soil return...